Two Simple Ways To Get Out The Friend Zone (Number 2 Is Very Easy)

You heard online about how the friend zone isn’t real and how it is just a made up term for entitled men. The reality is that the friendzone does exists, and dealing with it, it’s simpler than you think. Plenty of guys really overthink this situation. There are two ways you can get out of the friend zone, and it’s easier than you think.

What Is The Friend Zone

According to Psychology Today, the definition of friend zone is a situation when an individual is in an friendship and develops strong feelings towards the person and wants to become more than friends. In most cases, the other person is not aware of the friend’s desire and is not content with the friendship-only arrangement. It can be frustrating because one person is taking advantage of the other, which can explain why someone would be frustrated in the friend zone.

How You Can Get Out

There are two ways you can get out of the friend zone. One way is to take advantage of it and play in the zone. The other way is to simply walk away. Let me explain them.

1. Take Advantage of the Friend Zone

Let’s say you confess your feelings to that friend of yours. You tell her that you like her and you want to move things to the next level. She declines and says that she prefers to keep it as friends. A week later, she asks you if you want to join her for lunch this week. You can decline and tell her that you can’t meet up this week. You can even go as far as to say that you have a busy week or that you already made plans to meet someone else for lunch.

The goal of this approach is to get an answer on whether she is interested in you or not. If she starts getting a bit jealous, there could be some interest left. Don’t tell her every detail on what you are doing and who you are hanging out with. She made the choice of not being in a relationship with you. If she really doesn’t care, she is not interested in pursuing anything serious with you. That’s when the other option comes into play.

2. Walk Away

If she has no interest in pursuing anything serious with you, simply leave. Don’t be her friend. You can either tell her that you don’t want to be friends or just ghost her. Just like she doesn’t owe you a relationship or sex, you don’t owe her friendship or attention. She is not your girlfriend so you don’t need to give her any attention she receives if she were to have a boyfriend.

More likely than not, she will do her best to get your attention back, and will likely compromise some of her standards, just to get your attention back.


Have some form of an abundance mentality. Show that you are a busy guy and you have other interest and hobbies to attend to. Let her know that people like you and want to spend more time with you. Basically, don’t be needy

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